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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Angel Art

I've loved Art ever since I was born. I've always been fascinated by art. Art allows me to express my feelings and emotions. I'm sort of a perfectionist, so when I draw or make something in photoshop I pay attention to every little detail. I'm always trying to create things in my head. Art also takes me away from reality sometimes. I'm happy when I'm making art. Even when I go outside I can see art. Even If it's an abstract object, I can still make art out of it. I've won many art contests and I'm majoring in multimedia design in college. I love that Chris Brown loves art just as much as I do!

My twitter name is @angelchrisbaby1 and my backup twitter is @CBlovesAngel 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Mimoza Lleshdedaj Art

Art means so much to me :):)
Through it I can express myself
I have draw since a was a little gurl but I never was so dedicated.But now I can say that :
each drawing can tell a story, and is a journey through my lifetime but when I draw Chris Brown dat'z a unique story , when I'm drawing Chris , I don't know I feel good n I can draw all day long :):)
His music , his face , he ;);) it's all I need when I start to make a draw , being real I always say thank u CHRIS BROWN for your existance ...!!
He'z mah inspiration :D:D
Through art U can find youself :):)
IM JUST ME!!!FRESH IZ A WAY OF LIFE.. so everyday is a new beginning ;);) TeamBreezyBaby

Saturday 2 July 2011

Joynae Page Art

What art means to me: Art is a way of escape. You can draw or paint whatever you want without reprimand, because people normally don't understand the idea behind it. You can pull inspiration from many places, & I pull mine from people I look up to. My mom, Nana & most definitely Chris! His creativity shows me that you can express yourself & shouldn't be afraid to do so ^__^ <333
Twitter name: @AerosolBREEZY_ 


Lea Art

Art is when you express creative skills and imagination, usually in a visual form like drawing, painting, and sculpturing to display them

twitter name



Thursday 30 June 2011

Trina Art

I consider a lot of things to be art in life. Everything from Music to Fashion and even Beauty is art to me. I started off with just doing fashion sketches but while taking an art class I decided to attempt a portrait.  I think for a first attempt, I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. I think using a picture of Chris helped to motivate me.

Trina, @MJsMidniteRider

Malka Art

Art means that i can express myself and dgaf about what others think :)
